News, events and information about the POTION project.

Odors From Other People’s Sweat Can Help Treat Social Anxiety
Odors From Other People’s Sweat Can Help Treat Social Anxiety

POTION Project Newsletter Issue 4
You can view the latest POTION newsletter by clicking on the link below. Potion Newsletter April 2022.

POTION Project Newsletter Issue 3
You can view the latest POTION newsletter by clicking on the link below. Potion Newsletter Oct 2021

Bright Night in Pisa
On 24th September 2021, the first in-person BRIGHT-NIGHT event since Covid-19 was held at three different locations across the squares and streets of Pisa. BRIGHT-NIGHT is a program where researchers developing cutting edge technology can showcase their work to residents of PISA. The POTION team is proud to participate in the event and engage with […]

POTION Project Newsletter Issue 2
You can view the latest POTION newsletter by clicking on the download link below.

‘An emotional contagion’ – why scientists are studying the knock-on emotional effect of the scents our bodies produce
It may sound like something out of a fantasy movie, but scientists hope to be able to bottle the smell of happiness so it can be used to help people with phobias or depression. Our bodies produce different scents when we feel happy or afraid. These so-called chemosignals – which are in fact odourless – […]

POTION Project Newsletter Issue 1
The first POTION Project newsletter can be found by clicking the link below. This newsletter investigates the long-term effects of COVID on a persons sense of smell, and the effects of a lack of sense of smell on ones mental health.

POTION webinar at FET Week 2020!
POTION Project Partners took part in the highly successful EIC Future Tech Week 2020. We delivered the recorded webinar: ‘An overview on the project POTION: Promoting social interaction through emotional body odors’. If you missed our webinar you can catch-up through the following link: The POTION project partners look forward to the 2021 Future Tech […]
POTION partecipated in H2020 FET Briefing workshop
May 27 th : POTION Project partners from the University of Pisa and Inventya Ventures, along with three complementary future and emerging technologies (FET) projects, participated in a stimulating workshop focusing on Peer-to-peer experience sharing and dialogue, organised by the FET BRIEFING initiative. BRIEFING leverages different ways of exploiting FET research by supporting researchers in […]
POTION holds successful and productive review meeting “Great ambition, great expectations
March 5th, 2020. On Thursday, March 5th, the EC-funded project POTION held its mid-term review meeting remotely due COVID-19. The purpose of the meeting was to present of the main objectives and general overview of the project and the results achieved so far in research, innovation and implementation activies and the future exploitation of the […]
POTION Project holds key Lisbon Meeting, 2019
A highly energising mid-term meeting was held on 22nd-23rd October in Lisbon, Portugal, where the POTION project partners consolidated and further developed their successful collaboration. Hosted under the aegis of project partner Instituto Universitário (ISPA), POTION work package leaders briefed all participants on updates and developments in this innovative initiative. POTION is studying how human […]
A little sniff of emotion will be the occasion to let children play with smells and instruments
The POTION Project means to reach everyone, everywhere. The Bright Night is the occasion for such purpose and in PISA, on the 27th September children will be involved in the knowing of POTION. “A little sniff of emotion” will be the occasion to let children play with smells and instruments. Settle in Pisa at hte […]
POTION Project Workshop at 41st EMBC Conference, 2019
The POTION project partners have been commended for leading a highly successful workshop at the prestigious EMBC Conference in Berlin. POTION is studying how human body odours transfer emotions and shape social behaviour, and this is expected to lead to an olfactory-based technology that will analyse the chemical composition of the body odours as well […]
Progetto Potion: alla scoperta degli odori delle emozioni via YouTube. Check out the interview on the Potion Project
Is it possible to smell fear or happiness?
Is it possible to smell fear or happiness? What organic substances does the human body give off when it experiences these emotions? Click here to find our more.
POTION project is kicking off this month!
POTION project is kicking off this month! Follow us on Twitter account @POTIONproject to stay up-to-date with the latest developments about the scent of emotion. Click here to find out more.